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Key Frame Animation in Tecplot RS

Key Frame Animations allow you to easily animate a smooth progression through two or more specified views (key frames) and export them as an AVI or MP4. You can zoom, rotate, and translate in these animations. This tool can be used to create reservoir “fly over” movies or first person animations which scan the inside of the reservoir.

To access this dialog, select View > Key Frame Animation. From there, you can start creating animations.

Key Frame Animation

Easily animate a smooth progression of two or more specified views. This tutorial shows you how this feature works.

I will start by appending my initial view, which is where I want my animation to start. Next, I could rotate, zoom, or translate my grid solution and append additional views. I could also move the key frames closer together if I wish to shorten up a movie and name them for easy reference. And now I could animate my key frame animation within the Tecplot RS interface to see what my movie looks like. And finally, I could export the movie into my preferred output format. The resulting output movie can then be shared with colleagues or embedded into a presentation.

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